Restaurant Day 18.11

What: Restaurant Day

When: Saturday 18.11 – 11am-2pm

Where:  Vimma

Aurakatu 16

StepEurope is participating ravintolapäivä on the 18th and our StepEurope’s kitchen will be held at Vimma. Different ethnic foods wil be served and including some entertaintment will be included at the event.

StepEurope ry osallistuu Ravintolapäivään lauantaina 18.11. Ravintolamme löytyy Vimman 1 krs. kahvilasta. Tarjoilemme etnistä ruokaa monikulttuurisessa ympäristössä etnisen musiikin soidessa taustalla.
Ravintola on kaikille avoin! Tule nauttimaan kansainvälisestä ilmapiiristä!

Santa’s helpers

What: Santa’s helpers

When Friday 24.11 – 3pm-5pm

Where: Yhdessä-yhdistys

             Nisse Kadon katu 3

At the workshop we make Christmas cards, decorates for “Finland 100 years” celebration and listen to christmas music while eating ginger biscuits and drinking glögi.

Työpajassa askartelemme yhdessä joulukortteja, koristeta “Finland 100 years” juhlaa varten ja kuuntelemme joululauluja pipareiden ja glögin kera


Afternoon Coffee

What: Afternoon Coffee

When: Wednesday 29.11 – 5pm-7pm

Where: Restaurant Keidas

              Uudenmaankatu 3

The idea is to get together, relax, play games and meet new people. At the same time we discuss about our organization’s activities.

Ajatuksena on olla yhdessä, rentoutua, pelata pelejä ja tavata uusia ihmisiä. Samalla puhumme yhdistyksemme tulevista tapahtumista.

Finland 100 years celebration

What: Finland 100 years Celebration
When Friday 1.12 – 5pm–>
Where: Restaurant Keidas
             Uudenmaankatu 3
StepEurope ry is celebrating Finland 100 years
1st of December at Uudenmaankatu 3
Vegetarian Restaurant Keidas.
Celebration starts at 5.00pm
We begin the party with a toast,
then eat and have a lovely evening with good music,
poetries and friends.
(Firts 30 are able to come)

StepEurope ry juhlistaa Suomen 100 vuotista taivalta 1. joulukuuta Uudenmaankatu 3:ssa Vegetarian Restaurant Keitaassa. 

Juhla alkaa kello 17.00. Aloitamme yhteisellä alkumaljalla,  josta siirrymme syömään ja viettämään iltaa hyvän musiikin, runojen ja ystävien kanssa.

Ilmoittaudu tapahtumaan (Ensimmäiset 30 pääsevät mukaan)

Brainstorming November

What: Brainstorming
Where: Logomo Byrå
             Köydenpunojankatu 14
When: Monday 6.11 – 5pm
Brainstorming will be held with our vulunteers and any interested participants to discuss about the activities to be done locally in November. 
Come and join us for the planning and implementation of our exiting events coming up this November!
StepEurope ry will offer coffee, tea and snacks.
Järjestämme suunnitteluillan kaikille vapaaehtoisille ja toiminnasta kiinnostuneille. Käymme tapaamisessa läpi marraskuun tapahtumia.
Tule suunnittelemaan ja mahdollisesti myös toteuttamaan mielenkiintoisia tapahtumia kanssamme marraskuussa!
StepEurope ry tarjoaa kahvia, teetä ja pientä purtavaa.

Multicultural experience in Loughborough – Peace Project 2017

The Peace Project 2017, organized by Equality Actions,  was an Erasmus+ training that gathered 30 young volunteers from different parts of Europe to discuss themes related to local, community-level work for peace. During these eight days in a small English town Loughborough, we learned about cultural and religious diversity, root causes of extremist thinking among youth, and ways to improve intercultural, interfaith dialogue in communities. The trainers highlighted non-formal learning as the most effective and in the end, most common way to gain knowledge and competencies. It showed in practice in different plays and games, workshops, group discussions, lectures and visits. On top of learning about the key themes and methods, we got chance to make friends across Europe, familiarize ourselves with different cultures and worldviews from Latvia to Macedonia or from Hungary to Italy, to spend time together, go out, tourist around in the medieval city of Nottingham, share some thoughts, experiences and ideas for the future projects.

Robin’s thoughts: To note, Loughborough became LOVEborough in our minds. The plays and the games (also known as energizers) were massively important and fun! In order for the group to loosen up and work more efficiently together we needed those. It was a fun way to get to know each other, to keep the brain sharp and focused for the different tasks in hand. About the learning of different cultures. Even knowing, which countries would participate, I did not expect that we would be so different. In fact, after the experience, I think all of us who participated share in some core sense the same culture. #WellDuh  The differences in my mind were superficial but enjoyed learning about these differences still! Tasting eachothers culinary wonders (also in liquid form) is a fun and good way to bond! I think, personally, the real experiencing of different cultures came when we got to familiarize with asian religions, places of worship, rituals/traditions, and different asian food dishes.

It was not a coincidence that a training emphasizing the idea of peaceful, multicultural communities was held in the neighboring town to Leicester that was elected the most ’ethnically diverse city’ in the whole UK. Half of the population of Leicester describe themselves as white British, whereas nationally the percentage is 80. Religious diversity of Leicester is striking. They have the highest rate of hindus in UK outside London. It has 55 mosques, 18 Hindu temples, nine Sikh gurdwaras, two synagogues, two Buddhist centres and one Jain centre. Atheists represent 23 per cent of the population.

 The cultural and religious diversity is declared as the city’s strength by the mayor. Yet again, there has been a lot of effort by the community leaders – hindus, sikhs, muslims, christians, atheists – to engage in an interfaith dialogue and cooperation. In times of conflict or expression of extremist thoughts, representatives of different faiths talk together out in the public, side by side, to weaken the polarization. During our training, we got to meet the Loughborough Council of Faiths (the Interfaith Network).

Robin: I was very much fascinated by the Loughborough Council of Faiths. A lot of the time I was thinking.. what do we not have in Finland? What do we lack? Finland is getting more multicultural in an increasing tempo and different cultural and religious groups immigrate to Finland. My small home town of origin, (Jakobstad, 20 000 people), is very much religiously diverse and I think this is the perfect model to look up to and implement. This model builds bridges between different groups of people, generates trust or social capital to use some fancy words.

We also committed one day to visit different religious sites of Leicester: a mosque, a Sikh temple, and the Jain centre. The goal of the day was to see, listen, learn, taste, finally, to understand worldviews behind different faiths. One could see how diversity was welcomed in the streets of Leicester and Loughborough by the various decorative symbols indicating festivities of different religious groups.

Robin: These visits lowered the threshold to just go and visit one place of worship. A coworker of mine said that I should go and check out this Buddhist temple in Turku where I live. Now after the course, I feel that.. why not! Would be interesting to see how it looks like and just sit and observe. Hopefully meet some people and have a respectful conversation.

The eight training days brought us new experiences, new friends, more understanding of cultural variety of Europe, and above all, the lesson from Leicester: through the dialogue across cultural, political and religious boundaries we make the most out of cultural diversity, and reach for more peaceful communities.

Robin’s thoughts concluded: What Mari mentioned above. FRIENDS. We bonded incredibly well (#Goku #MagicMan), and we all have places to stay in Europe if we want to travel.

For all my finnish and european brothers and sisters reading this.. I hear Macedonia is INCREDIBLE… buuuuuut I will go to Sardinia (#NoPothoReposare #HeavenOnEarth #ItsTrue). I am going to miss every single person I met during the course and I will cherish these memories forever. To all of you who live in Finland, feeling interested and intrigued, LOOK INTO WHAT STEPEUROPE HAS TO OFFER. Fantastic ORGANIZATION OFFERING YOU GREAT OPPORTUNITIES TO DEVELOP AND GROW! #XOXO #SneakyCommercial #Mwhaha

Photos by Yasser Ait Rais and Hiron Miah (thank you for sharing those)


Migration 2020 – Towards a Sustainable Inclusion

About the content

The seminar “Migration 2020: Towards a Sustainable Inclusion” is aimed at 30 youth workers and leaders from 10 EU countries (Italy, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal and Germany), wishing to improve their work within issues related with migration and youth and willing to share their best practices and challenges in the field.

The main aim of the seminar is to share best practices, increase competences and find paths for youth workers in EU to propose better options to facilitate inclusion of young migrants, working at the same time on more projects concentrating on anti-discrimination themes.

This seminar will be based on methods of non-formal educations and everything will be done to provide comfortable, interesting and effective working and leisure atmosphere, using methods such as group discussions, round tables, simulations, and activities stimulating creativity and participation.


Who can participate?

The participants should be:

-Youth Leaders, Youth Workers and/or Young Activists interested in developing their knowledge about migration skills.

-Young people who have experience in the topic and wanting to gain different perspectives.

-Young people directly involved in young migrants or about migration topics with youth.


About the practicalities

The project is funded by the Erasmus + programme, accommodation and food will be covered 100% for the international participants. We will reimburse up to 100% of your actual travel costs, but only up to the amounts officially approved by the Italian NA. You need to pay the tickets first and will get the payment back during the training.


How to apply?

Contact us or +358(0)45 2219008

StepEurope ry has three (3) places available for the seminar.

Afternoon Coffee

WHEN: Thursday 19.10 at 6PM

WHERE: Bar Kuka (Linnankatu 17)

The idea is to get together our volunteers in informal manner and play entertaining games at the bar and get to know each other to discuss any ideas our volunteers would like to talk about. 

Follow the Facebook event for the updates! 


Brainstorming – October

WHEN: Tuesday 10.10 at 6 PM

WHERE: Logomo Byrå 1st floor (Köydenpunojankatu 14)


Brainstorming will be held with our volunteers and any interested one to discuss what our members and volunteers would like to do locally. We will also discuss about the autumn events and how people will like to participate to execute our activities. 

Welcome to plan activities and the implementation! 
StepEurope ry will offer some small snacks.

Facebook Event

Poetry Walk

When: on Friday 6.10 at 4 PM

Where: Turun linna (Linnankatu 80)

Poetry walk is an idea which came from our volunteer Ahmed and supported by the other volunteers too. Participants will be walking through the city as a group, observing nature and the surrounding city life along the way. Every participant’s experience and imagination of the outside environment varies tremendously.

Through poetry participants will finally express their observations in their own words. It does not necessarily have to follow the rules of proper literature neither have prior experience in writing poem. Those expressions or poem will be collected in one platform where it will be published either in a newspaper or social medias anonymously.

More information: or 0452219008

Facebook event