My internship at StepEurope ry

Hello! My name is Ianthe. I’m studying Community Education at Humak Turku. This spring I get to be part of the StepEurope ry team, doing my final internship and thesis at StepEurope ry.
During my studies, I have gained experience in youth work and event organizing. My focus has been multicultural youth work and non-formal and artistic learning methods. StepEurope ry has given me the opportunity to develop new skills and broaden my network.

Ronja and Elias warmly welcomed me as part of the team at the beginning of February. Together we have organized events, attended meetings and networking events, made a new marketing plan and marketing materials. I gained experience in using handy marketing tools as Canva and MailChimp and got some updates on my social media marketing skills as well.

When planning for this internship, I set the goal for myself to get experience in writing funding applications before I graduate. I want to be able to apply for funding and create innovative projects in the years to come. This is a valuable skill when working in the NGO sector. With Finnish not being my native language, I also wanted to gain confidence in my own abilities to write important texts in Finnish. 

My internship kicked off in February with an approaching deadline for an Erasmus+ funding application, so I got to practice right away! The application was a team effort, working with the international cooperating organizations and StepEurope ry’s volunteers. I was happy to see how StepEurope ry’s projects are planned and implemented with its young adult volunteers, creating youth work together. It was a thrill to work on such an inspiring project and I was happy to be able to bring some of my own experience and network to the project.

During the month of March, a big part of our working hours went into writing a more extensive STEA (Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations) funding application. I had the chance to attend a workshop organized by STEA to prepare for this task. Now, after the deadline, the process continues with the waiting for the funding decision! 

The most fun moments of my internship were definitely the local events we organized. I like to help create a nice atmosphere for people to come together, celebrating differences as well as what we have in common. With my own background as an immigrant, I have enjoyed meeting young people from many different countries. During the Newbies evening, Afternoon Coffee, the panel discussions, the Week against Racism, the Lost in Turku mystery path and other events, we received feedback about how people like to hear each other’s stories and make new connections. This is one thing I like about StepEurope ry very much. It gives a platform for young adults to meet each other in a relaxed, international atmosphere.

At this moment Ronja, Lisa and I are enjoying the sun coming through the roof windows from the Logomo Byrå. It’s a pleasant working environment and a wonderful team. Ronja has been my mentor during the past months and has made this internship such a wonderful experience. A big thank you to her for the help, the guidance and the excellent company!

I have another week to go in my internship and will focus on my thesis during the rest of the spring and summer. I’m also looking forward to being actively involved in StepEurope’s upcoming activities. During the summer I will be part of the Gardening Project. You can still join us if you want! We will meet Saturday 28.4 for the first time here in Logomo Byrå. Check the event here if you want more info! 🙂

I’m hoping to meet many of you in the time to come. Maybe in the garden, or at another StepEurope ry event!

Interesting internship in StepEurope ry

Hello all, my name is Ioanna and I am a Master’s degree student in University of Turku, recently I had the opportunity to complete my internship in StepEurope ry. I have been a volunteer to StepEurope since last spring and worked in the organization for 2,5 months. First week I had to familiarize myself with my upcoming tasks, how the organization works and every new information that someone needs before they start to work somewhere. The next week the focus was put to the upcoming International training we were organizing and to the other events that we had during autumn / winter time.

Highlights of the internship:

  I participated in the Not Just Numbers workshop in Novia where I also shared my experience as a European citizen living in Finland and helped with the overall workshop to progress. My everyday tasks involved arranging meetings, brainstorming events, sending emails and replying regarding our upcoming Erasmus+ training Not Just Numbers that I will discuss further in this post. During the internship I participated in organizing and was part of many events, like Ravintolapäivä in Vimma – where besides working there on the day of the event, I also made a big Greek salad with some help from my colleagues. “Behind the Labels” seminar was an event that was held in the Institution of Migration where people of immigrant background shared some experiences about their life leading to their immigration to Finland, also helped with the event “Media Workshop” at Kirjan talo.

One of the big events and the one that I put a lot of work into since the beginning was the International Not Just Numbers training that was held in Laivahostel Borea, an old boat in the river side of Turku, on December. Not Just Numbers was an international youth worker mobility project aimed at strengthening cooperation and developing capacity of youth organisations in dealing with migration and asylum issues.

The project was a training of trainers, based on non-formal methods and experiential learning. The project aim was to improve the quality of local activities in the fields of migration and asylum awareness conducted by consortium members in their countries. It was an eight-days training that brought 30 youth workers and youth leaders from seven European countries: Finland, UK, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Hungary and Romania. I was in charge of the communicating with the sending organisations, preparing the info guide, and delivering some workshop sessions during the training.

  My overall internship experience was interesting and at times challenging, which means that I learned a lot during the whole time. Working in an International environment can teach a person many things and open someone’s eyes to new ideas and views. I am happy that I could be part of the organization that has as main goal to inspire young people to take a positive step in their lives and play an active role for the creation of a more diverse and tolerant society.


Gardening project – summer 2018

StepEurope ry is organizing a gardening project for the summer of 2018. Sustainability is a really important subject in today’s world where our generation is facing big challenges like global warming and climate change. This project aims to provide basic knowledge about gardening, tools to live a more sustainable life and to be more aware of the environment.

The project will begin on 28h of April (WE WILL INFORM THE VENUE LATER) and the group will be meeting regularly during the project period. The meetings include an introduction to the topic, hands on work in the garden and workshops.

As part of the project we will organize a harvest party, where we will cook with the harvest from our garden and enjoy each others company. 

The project will be implemented in a beautiful place Elävän Kulttuurin Koroinen. Check out their website: You can follow them on Facebook as well:

If this sounds interesting to you, join us by signing up at latest by Thursday 26nd of April. Signing up is required and means you want to be a commited participant of the project.

For sign up and more information:

The project is sponsored by Turku City. The meetings will be held in English.

StepEurope ry järjestää kesällä 2018 puutarhaprojektin. Kestävä kehitys on todella tärkeä aihe nykyään. Ilmaston lämpeneminen ja -muutos ovat todellisia haasteita. Tämä projekti tarjoaa kaikille halukkaille puutarhanhoidon perustaitoja, työkaluja kestävämpään elämäntyyliin ja lisää ympäristötietoutta. 

Projekti alkaa 28. huhtikuuta (PAIKKA ILMOITETAAN MYÖHEMMIN). Ryhmä kokoontuu säännöllisesti projektikauden aikana. Tapaamisissa esitellään kestävän kehityksen perusteita, hoidetaan puutarhaa ja työskennellään työpajoissa. Osana projektia pidetään sadonkorjuujuhlat, jossa hyödynnämme puutarhamme satoa ja vietämme aikaa yhdessä.

Projekti toteutetaan kauniissa ympäristössä Elävän Kulttuurin Koroisissa. Heidän nettisivut: ja Facebook: .

Jos tämä kuulostaa mielenkiintoiselta, ilmoittaudu mukaan torstaina 26. huhtikuun mennessä. Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. 

Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätietoja: sudhir.karki@stepeurope.or

Projekti on Turun kaupungin sponsoroima. Projektin tapaamisissa puhutaan englantia.

Festival Volunteers Application Workshop 17.5

WHEN On Thursday 17th of May at 5PM
WHERE Finnish Red Cross South-West District, Yliopistonkatu 24 A (2nd floor).

Would you like to be a volunteer in a summer festivals and would need some help to apply? StepEurope ry and Finnish Red Cross are organizing a festival application workshop on Thursday 17.5.2018 at Yliopistonkatu 24 A, 6th floor! You will get the help with several languages. Everyone is warmly welcome!

MILLOIN: Torstaina 17.5klo 17:00

MISSÄ: Suomen Punaisen Ristin Varsinais-Suomen piiri, Yliopistonkatu 24 A (2 krs.)

Haluaisitko toimia vapaaehtoisena kesän festivaaleilla ja haluat apua hakemusten tekemiseen? StepEurope ry ja Suomen Punainen Risti järjestävät festarihaun torstaina 17.5 klo 17:00 (Yliopistonkatu 24 A 6krs.). Paikalla on tulkkeja, apua saa useammalla eri kielellä. 
Lämpimästi tervetuloa!!

Brainstorming 11.4 5PM

WHEN: On Wednesday 11th of April at 5PM

WHERE: Logomo Byrå, Köydenpunojankatu 14 (1st floor)

Our monthly brainstorming meeting will be held with our volunteers and any interested participants. Welcome to the plan local activities to Turku area and make friends from diverse cultural backgrounds. 
The event is free of charge and open for all. StepEurope ry will provide snack, coffee and tea. You are most welcome!

MILLOIN: Keskiviikkona 11.4 klo 17:00

MISSÄ: Logomo Byrå, Köydenpunojankatu 14 (1 krs.)

Järjestämme kuukausittaisen suunnitteluillan vapaaehtoisten ja kaikkien kiinnostuneiden kanssa. Tervetuloa suunnittelemaan paikallistoimintaa Turun alueelle. 
Tapahtuma on ilmainen ja kaikille avoin! StepEurope ry tarjoaa pientä purtavaa, kahvia ja teetä. Olet erittäin tervetullut!