Call for New Board Members!!

StepEurope is a youth focused international organization registered under Finnish law in 2015. The organization’s main objective is activate young people and help them to develop their potential. To achieve this objective, the organization arranges youth exchanges, organize and participate in workshops and training, have regular meetings and offers internship and volunteer work. We also want to increase youngster’s awareness about different cultures to reduce racism and break boundaries.

Currently, we are looking to add two dedicated individuals to our small team as board members. A successful candidate will be part of a growing organization who aims to be a leading international youth organization in South-West Finland. As a board member, you will be part of decision making process, provide technical support to volunteers and paid staff members, provide support in different international/ local event the organization hosts and make yourself available to support the team when needed.

An ideal candidate will be required to have:

  • A commitment to StepEurope’s vision, mission and values
  • Good independent judgement
  • Commitment to work effectively as a member of a team
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Having knowledge in accounting, project management, fundraising and proposal writing is an advantage.

This role will require about 10 yearly meetings and on average 6 hours for a month.

This can a create opportunity for instance for STUDENTS to increase their capacities and get experience besides probably include the experience also to the studies and get some credits!


Please, forward a short statement demonstrating your motivation for this role and how your skills and experience meet our requirements, together with a comprehensive CV to subject: “Call for New Board Members”.
Deadline 23th of March 2018

More information about StepEurope ry and/or +35845 2219008

Let’s get International panel conversation 27.2.2018

StepEurope ry and Vamos Turku are organizing a panel conversation about youth opportunities to go abroad and be international. Come to hear about Erasmus+, StepEurope ry and Vamos and about the international experiences from the youth!

The panelists are young people who has been abroad before in a training, seminar, exchange or as a volunteer worker. 

Event is open for everyone, take also your friends with you!!!
Panel conversation is organized in English.
We are going to offer snack, coffee and tea.

Place: Vamos Turku, Yliopistonkatu 25 A (4. krs), 20100 Turku, Finland

Friendship Day Coffee 14.2.2018

Get together, chat, make new friends!
StepEurope ry organize a relaxing get together night on the Friendship Day at Vegetarian Restaurant (Kasvisravintola Keidas). We will play board games, chat and drink some coffee etc. The event is open for everyone, and you don’t need to sign up for it. You may come alone or with a friend.

p.s. The restaurant is open, so you may eat the dinner there if you want to 🙂

Brainstorming 7.2.2018

StepEurope ry organize brainstorming evening in the beginning of February. The idea is to go through the forthcoming events and plan new activities for March. Event is open for everyone, so come to brainstorm and give ideas for local activities for youth!
We are offering coffee and tea.

Place: Logomo, köydenpunojankatu 14

Ice Swimming and sauna 3.2.2018

Come and join us for this winter adventure with international atmosphere, to socialize, make friends & exchange idea from different backgrounds. We are going to ice swimming and sauna in Ruissalo. 

Bring your swimming outfit, towels, bottle of water and warm clothes! We will provide some snacks and hot drinks.
Take CASH 5€ (the entrance).

The event is open for anyone interested.
Sign up from the link below:

Media Literacy workshop

What Media Literacy workshop

When Thursday 16.11

Where Kirjan Talo

            Linnankatu 24

A workshop in which we will define media and how it operates in the West and the Middle East. How it has been affecting people’s life, and how it has interfered in shaping people’s options. The mechanism in which media can be acheived. We will also have a glimpse on wrting as a profession. We will review the most influntial toolbox that any writer may need.


Työpajassa tutustumme mediaan, ja siihen millaista se on Länsimaissa ja Keski-Idässä MIten se on vaikuttanut ihmisten elämään, ja miten se on sekoittanut ihmisten ajatuksia ja mielipiteitä. Vilkaisemme myös millaista on ammattilaiskirjoittajan työ.  Me käymme läpi puhuttelevimpia työkaluja, joita jokaine kirjailija saattaa tarvita.

A Look Behind The Labels Seminar

What A Look Behind The Labels Seminar

When Wednesday 15.11

Where Siirtolaisuusinstituutti – Migration Institute of Finland

            Eerikinkatu 34, 20100 Turku, Finland

StepEurope ry is organizing a seminar in cooperation with We see you and Åbo Akademi volunteers at the Siirtolaisuusinstituutti – Migration Institute of Finland. The seminar is about young people facing direct and personal attacks in public and social media in the shape of offensive comments and threats because of gender, origin, sexual orientation, opinion on migration issues or political ties.

The seminar will bring voices of young people who have had to tackle these problems to the stage to identify strategies and resist these negative perceptions and attitudes also to give tools for effective inclusion of young migrants focusing on how to create inclusive societies in Europe.

Event is open for everyone!

StepEurope ry järjestää mielenkiintoisen seminaarin yhdessä We see you -kampanjan ja Åbo Akademi volunteers -ryhmän kanssa. A Look Behind the Labels -seminaari käsittelee nuorten kohtaamia suoria ja julkisia loukkaavia kommentteja ja uhkauksia sosiaalisessa mediassa, jotka liittyvät heidän sukupuoleen, alkuperään, seksuaaliseen suuntautumiseen, mielipiteeseen maahanmuutosta tai poliittiseen kantaan.

Seminaari tuo haasteita kohdanneiden ja niistä selvinneiden nuorten ihmisten äänen kuuluviin. Tarkoitus on identifioida strategioita ja antaa välineitä vastustaa näitä negatiivisia ajatuksia ja asenteita sekä mahdollistaa nuorten maahanmuuttajien tehokas integraatio. Pohdimme myös, miten luoda inklusiivinen yhteiskunta Eurooppaan.

Tilaisuus on kaikille avoin!

Restaurant Day 18.11

What: Restaurant Day

When: Saturday 18.11 – 11am-2pm

Where:  Vimma

Aurakatu 16

StepEurope is participating ravintolapäivä on the 18th and our StepEurope’s kitchen will be held at Vimma. Different ethnic foods wil be served and including some entertaintment will be included at the event.

StepEurope ry osallistuu Ravintolapäivään lauantaina 18.11. Ravintolamme löytyy Vimman 1 krs. kahvilasta. Tarjoilemme etnistä ruokaa monikulttuurisessa ympäristössä etnisen musiikin soidessa taustalla.
Ravintola on kaikille avoin! Tule nauttimaan kansainvälisestä ilmapiiristä!

Santa’s helpers

What: Santa’s helpers

When Friday 24.11 – 3pm-5pm

Where: Yhdessä-yhdistys

             Nisse Kadon katu 3

At the workshop we make Christmas cards, decorates for “Finland 100 years” celebration and listen to christmas music while eating ginger biscuits and drinking glögi.

Työpajassa askartelemme yhdessä joulukortteja, koristeta “Finland 100 years” juhlaa varten ja kuuntelemme joululauluja pipareiden ja glögin kera